Hello RumBellers, Dearies and Belles,
(Spoiler Alert for anybody who didn’t see the season 2 finale)
Given that season 2 ended with Rumplestiltskin and Belle separated again, and plot development and writing for season 3 will likely start in the coming weeks, I have a little project in mind for us; the #RumBelleProject to be exact. Let’s make it known how much RumBelle means to us and why. The point of this project is to hopefully get to see Rumplestiltskin and Belle together in season 3, in the present day; not just flashback.
Here’s the idea: Leave a comment here, PM me at my FanFictionNet page http://www.fanfiction.net/u/4434150/NicoleMuenchSeidel or tweet me at https://twitter.com/loveautismdogs using the hash-tag #RumBelleProject Say what RumBelle means to you and why, and I’ll compile a page with the RumBelle love from fans to share with Adam Horowitz, Eddy Kitsis, and Jane Espenson, as well as Robert Carlyle and Emilie de Ravin. If you want to comment here, but don’t want to leave your email address, that’s fine; make up a bogus email address if you want. I don’t need your email address…I want your thoughts on RumBelle. I will moderate the comments made here in order to prevent spammers. If you choose to tweet your RumBelle love, but need more than 140 characters, you can use http://www.twitlonger.com just remember the hash-tag #RumBelleProject
Also, one other request, when Once Upon A Fan http://www.onceuponafans.com has their Once Upon A Fan Awards, let’s make sure that RumBelle wins favorite couple. Voting begins June 3, 2013.
RumBelle has helped some fans dealing with various life challenges, like the lost of a loved one, being bullied in school, etc., while other fans love RumBelle, because they are simply awesome. What’s your reason for loving RumBelle? If you want to share this page on Twitter, but need a shorter URL, here it is: http://tinyurl.com/RumBelleProject
I’ll start the ball rolling. Of course, there is Robert Carlyle and Emilie de Ravin, who make RumBelle’s devotion and adoration for each other palpable. No other couple on TV has the emotional depth and synergy of RumBelle. RumBelle captivated me initially because I identified with struggles that my husband and I had in early years, regarding insecurities created by past relationships. Even though we had always been attracted to each other, it took us eleven years to get to our first date, but true love finally won out. Additionally our daughter, who has Autism and will only watch cartoons typically, will only watch is Rumple and Belle for live action entertainment, and being somewhat verbal, she chatters about them and gives all her stuff animals true love’s kiss. Then June 14, 2012, my husband nearly died from a sudden onset of what is commonly called Juvenile Diabetes. While he was in the hospital’s Critical Care Unit for three days as a result of having a blood sugar level of 1265, and I didn’t know if I’d have to find a way to tell our daughter that her father was gone, the one thing that kept me from losing it was watching RumBelle montages on YouTube at night after our daughter was in bed. Those RumBelle videos gave me a hopeful message about the power of love…plus, the line “There’ll be time for everything.” was a beacon of hope. Thankfully, my husband recovered.
Okay, so who’s next? Say whatever is in your heart for RumBelle.

Dear Pink~I just wanted to tell you how moved I was by your families story of grief & triumph! I have lost a Niece at 19 & her father my brother-in-law both to diabetes! I also wanted to share my heart felt thanks for giving me a chance to open my life up to you too!! I just found the Rumpel & Belle story in April missed it last season! I know you are not going to believe this but I saw myself as Rumpelstiltskin,dark.lonely & brooding! I’m the sick one always needing surgeries! So with out realizing it I had been pushing my adorable husband away! I felt I wasn’t worth anything ~ I felt unlovable! I cried when Rumpel screams that at Belle NO~One Could ever LOVE Me! It put into words what my heart had been saying for a long time! I knew with out a doubt that if I wanted our Marriage to be better I was going to tell my hubby the truth! I needed him to be more Romantic ,I desperatley wanted him to want me for me! The Damm just broke we talked & actually listening to what each of us needed from the other it was like a dark veil had been lifted. We just celebrated our 27th as of May~31st! It’s the first time in years we actually went out with out any of our 3 Sons! It was wonderful to just be a couple again not Mom & Dad for a while! Thank you also for inspiring me to write again !!! I used to write love/mystery stories just for myself !!! I burned most of them years ago !!! Then while reading your stories I got inspired to pick it up again the ideas just woln’t stop ! I feel like myself again! From the bottom of my heart thank you for just being You~~~ Love your devoted fan Tessa~~~